What is Pastoral Supervision?

We could define pastoral supervision as ‘a relationship between two or more disciples of Christ who meet and consider the ministry of one or more of them in a considered and deliberate fashion.’ This sort of relationship allows for each person being supervised to discuss their work, explore their responses, and review whilst developing further resources, skills, and strategies.

Supervision is not an inherently hierarchical relationship. It is by definition a reflective, supporting relationship. One of the most helpful ways to view supervision is that of a pro-athlete and a personal trainer. The athlete is a professional in their field; gifted, skilled, and working to better themselves. The personal trainer may also be a skilled athlete, but their specialty is actually focused on increasing the development and effectiveness of others. The pro-athlete comes to the trainer to reflect on their abilities, skills, health, and for development. The athlete’s accomplishments are their own, and what they get from the trainer is commensurate with what they want out of the relationship.

Who Should Get Pastoral Supervision?

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse concluded that all people in religious or pastoral ministry, including leader pastors, ministry directors, and lay elders engage in professional supervision with a qualified supervisor with some degree of separation from the institution within which they minister.

Beyond their recommendation, professional supervision has been a part of many professions, including near all the ‘caring’ professions for nearly fifty years. It is a helpful, functional, developed form of support. This kind of support is often lacking or not fully functional within Church or para-church ministry environments.

Each ministry worker, from the kids ministry director, to the lead pastor should engage in supervision as often as they can.

Currently many religious denominations and groups are making it mandatory in some form or another for their ministry personnel due to the foreseen value and utility.


Why Solid Hope?

I have spent years studying and working on different methods to support and grow pastors and those in ministry. From a young age a passion sprung up to see the men and women of God served well by their leaders, who in turn were cared for, supported, and encouraged throughout their lives. That each person who dedicates themselves to serving the Lord would receive their, “well done good and faithful servant.”

Having qualifications and experience in both the theological and psycho-therapeutic spheres I understand the unique strains on those who work within ministry, and can support them using a model of supervision developed specifically for them. Bible-based, Christ-centred, holistically focused.

What Will We Talk about?

Pastoral Supervision is about you the person, you the ‘professional’. Through this lens we will discuss a number of different parts of you as a person, and you as a minister. Below are just a few examples of topics covered in Pastoral Supervision:

·         Habits of Grace

·         Centrality of Christ

·         Accountability

·         Ethical issues

·         Theological issues

·         Goals/ Goal setting

·         Cash flow issues

·         Self-care

·         Relationships

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
— Romans 12:2 (ESV)


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